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Contribution made by the Promethean Power Systems for the dairy farmers

A short while ago, the Promethean Power systems had implemented a reliable source of refrigeration system for the rising dairy industry in India.

A greater part of the milk procurement of our country is being made at the village based collection centre at a small scale. As a result of which there is always a problem with the payment of the farmers which depends upon the keeping quality of the milk. So, whenever the milk is not being transported from the centre to the dairy within the shelf life period of the milk, there is lies an insecurity with the payment for them.

Indeterminately, the Promethan Thermal units have come up to the solution of this problem by fabricating the milk chilling units that is to be connected by a patent pending thermal battery which adopts the system of a phase change material for storing the 28 kilowatt-hours of energy in the form of ice.The ice formation takes place in the thermal battery whenever the electricity is made at one’s disposal. In this system the melting ice will be maintaining the temperature of the chilling unit whenever the grid system is being interruptedto maintain the required temperature of the milk.

These units will be rapidly chilling the milk to an optimal storage temperature which will eradicate the problems associated with the spoiling of milk .This will enhance the dairy business as such. It has been revealed as such by the CTO and the co-founder of the Promethean power systems, SorinGrama, that by the help of the system of the thermal power storage, the Indian dairy farmers will be liberated from the danger of poverty. This system has indeed authenticated the commercial viability of its technology. Due to this reason, the company has planned to make it more sustainable by augmenting its sales, production and the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process.

Promethean Power Systems

In a word, it may be conclude that, the Promethean Power systems had implemented a reliable source of refrigeration system for the rising dairy industry in India.

As such they are fabricating the milk chilling unit that is to be connected by a patent pending thermal battery which adopts the system of a phase change material for storing the 28 kilowatt-hours of energy in the form of ice. In fact with the help of this system, the Indian farmers associated with the dairy will be liberated from the danger of poverty. The upcoming strategy of this company includes reducing the cost by augmenting the sales, production and the efficiency of the power storage.

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