
In a morale boosting development for the milk producers of the region, the Bhandara Milk Cooperative Union (BMCU) has started supply of milk to Mother Dairy, Navi Mumbai. The first milk tanker containing 15,000 litres of milk was dispatched from Bhandara on November 26, the death anniversary of Dr V Kurian, as a tribute to the man behind white revolution by the cooperative.

This is the first time when a milk cooperative from the region has started milk supply to western Maharashtra, thus making the river flow the other way, a milk river from Bhandara to Mumbai.

The cooperative’s daily milk collection is 1 to 1.25 lakh litres and they are suppliers to Vasundhara, and Nagpur and Durg unit of Amul. Mother Dairy, a subsidiary of National Dairy Development Board, needed high fat containing buffalo milk which the Bhandara cooperative had. BMCU approached Mother Dairy, Navi Mumbai and it was agreed in a meeting that sample milk tanker shall be sent to Navi Mumbai for lab testing. The sample was dispatched on 17 November and it fulfilled all their criteria, thus earning Bhandara cooperative an order for buffalo milk supply on November 26, 28 and 30. As of now, the cooperative is expected to send milk to Mumbai about 12 days a month.

Mother Dairy
                           Mother Dairy

Vilas Katekhaye, chairman of the cooperative flagged off the first milk tanker from their Jamani dairy plant, making BMCU the only milk cooperative in the region supplying milk to Mumbai .

Katekhaye said that this was possible only due to the milk producing farmers of the district who supplied quality milk. “They will be financially benefited by this venture. BMCU is in a position to supply 15,000 litres of cow and buffalo milk to Mother Dairy daily through out the year. Now Amul is sending 60,000 litres of milk to us daily for making milk powder as we have our own milk powder plant of 7.5 mt capacity. Due to this, problem of excess milk is resolved,” he added.

